Hi, my name is Carina and I run the site FloraKonst (or FloralArt in english) and I LOVE flowers in all shapes and forms…
I grow flowers in my garden, and pick flowers (domestic and wild) there and in meadows, forests and fields. I draw, paint and photograph them. Every now and then I even eat flowers 😉 .
I create art – mini bouquets, floralposters and cards, patterns etc.
I also make flowermandalas where I take the flowers and pic them apart and piece them together again in a new creation – an excellent exercise in mindfullnes.
The floras (yes, I have several 🤔 ) in my bookshelf are shredded into pieces due to too much browsing.

A while ago, I decided to create this website about flowers and other greenery. My company’s name is MediaStugan but I wanted to gather the information in a more dedicated way to florals in this site. So if you are in any way into flowers and gardening like me, I hope you will find something here that brighten up your day.
With a flourishing mind…